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Tropical cyclones are violent storms that originate in tropical areas. They are low-pressure atmospheric systems of low latitudes.
A tornado is a violently rotating column of air which collides with the land and a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes are severe local storms of short duration.
It is a measurement of location North or South of the Equator on a globe. It is the angular distance measured in degrees.
It is the loosening and displacement of topsoil due to wind and water. It is a continuous process that occurs either slowly or at an alarming rate.
A plateau is a flat and elevated landform. Plateau is a result of magma pushes towards the surface but fails to break through the crust.
The horizontal movement of a mass of water in a defined direction across distances. Ocean water moves horizontally and vertically.
Lead is a constituent in bronze alloy. It can be hammered into thin sheets.
These are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be extracted. Major iron ore deposits are found in volcano-sediments.