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RANK IN CSE-2017 | 02 |
AGE | 31 |
Anu belongs to Sonipat, Haryana. Her father worked in HR department in Jaipur Golden Hospital, Rohini
and her mother is a Housewife. Anu’s family was the strongest support for her during her
preparation. Anu has been an intelligent student since her childhood.
Anu completed her schooling at Shiva Siksha Sadan in Sonipat, Haryana. Anu did graduation from Delhi
University with B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics. She has done MBA in Finance and Marketing from IMT Nagpur.
Being an MBA helped her in covering the Economy portion of GS 3 very easily as she had a fair idea
about the subject.
As Anu says there was always a sense of dissatisfaction in her private job and it had also become monotonous after a certain period of time. Over time her job started feeling hollow and meaningless to her. Initially, when she started the job, there was excitement for learning, but there was nothing to learn new with time. She was not content doing all this. With only two attempts left for UPSC CSE, she decided to take the plunge. She couldn’t afford to postpone it any longer as she was also short of time due to her age.
This was Anu’s second attempt in which Anu was able to secure All India Rank (AIR) 02 in UPSC CSE 2017. Before this Anu had appeared for CSE 2016 with preparation of just 40 days for the exam. In this exam, she missed prelims cut off by just one mark. But with her hard work and determination, she was finally able to achieve her goal in the very next attempt.
Anu has always been a disciplined person and a sincere student in her life. So, figuring out a routine that suits the demands of UPSC CSE was not a very tough deal for her. Anu has a habit of early rising so she designed her routine accordingly. She used to sleep from 10 pm to 4 am. For the rest of the time, she dedicated 10-12 hours to studies daily. She used to listen to All India Radio during the morning walk to save her time. Even during her meals, she used to watch Rajya Sabha TV. So, she utilized her time very carefully without wasting a single minute.
Ancient and Medieval History | Tamil Nadu Board Class XI book Our Past NCERT book Part 1,2 and 3 |
Modern History | Spectrum, Politics in India since Independence Class XII NCERT |
Art and Culture | Nitin Singhania, Fine Arts book NCERT |
Geography | NCERT Class XI and XII (2 books from each class) |
Polity | Polity by Laxmikant, Indian Constitution at Work Class XI NCERT |
Economy | Sri Ram IAS book, Economic Survey and Budget summery by GS Score |
Environment | Shankar IAS |
General science | Mostly relied on Current Affairs, Class VI to X NCERT Science book (Single reading) Class XI Biology book NCERT |
Current Affairs Government schemes & others | Daily and Monthly current affairs compilations from insightsonindia.com |
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GS-1 | Art and Culture (Same as prelims) | Nitin Singhania, Fine Arts book NCERT |
Modern Indian History (same as prelims) | Spectrum, Politics in India since Independence Class XII NCERT | |
Post-Independence | Politics in India since Independence Class XII NCERT | |
World History | Social Science Book Class IX NCERT, Contemporary World Politics Class XII NCERT | |
Indian Society | Current Affairs | |
Geography (same as prelims) | NCERT Class XI and XII (2 books from each class) | |
GS-2 | Polity, Constitution | Polity by Laxmikant, Indian Constitution at Work Class XI NCERT |
Governance | Current Affairs | |
International Relations | Current Affairs | |
GS-3 | Economy | Sri Ram IAS book, Economic Survey and Budget summery by GS Score |
Environment and Ecology (same as prelims) | Shankar IAS and Current Affairs | |
Science and Technology | Class XI Biology book NCERT, Current Affairs | |
Disaster Management | Some part from NCERT and rest from Current Affairs | |
National Security | Current Affairs | |
GS-4 | Theory, Moral Thinkers and Case studies | G Subbarao |
The basic material that she referred
For interview preparation, she had some background. Because she has worked in the corporate sector
for 9 years so, there was no hesitation and she was confident enough to face the board. But, in
order to have an idea of the UPSC CSE interview structure she attended many mock interviews. That
helped her boost her confidence and to assess herself on how she performs under pressure. There were
a few questions that she could not answer so while giving mock tests she learned how to calmly
handle the situation and smilingly say “No, I don’t know the answer”.
She was asked questions on PPP, standards of education in our country, narcotics problems in the
country, why there is corruption in schools in India. There were quite a few questions on her career
in the insurance sector and health sector. Certain questions were asked on the latest budget, the
kind of schemes launched, were they good or not. Then there was a set of pretty interesting
questions, for example, one of the questions asked by one of the honourable members was- “There are
pink pajamas flying over the Red Fort today. What do you understand by that?” Because her hobby is
drawing and painting, the other question was- “It is hugely said that artists have a third eye. What
do you mean by that and do you have a third eye?” So, it was a mix of some interesting questions,
current affairs, her background, and issues from day-to-day life.
As Anu says when she started preparing for UPSC CSE, she had no plans, she was full of doubts and fear, she was already 30 and left with only two attempts. But with time she started understanding the demands of the exam and modified her preparation and herself accordingly. Finally, she was able to top the most competitive exam in the country and was able to make her parents proud.
There will be times when you might feel that you can’t do it, that you are not the topper material etc. In such circumstances she advises aspirants to cry if they feel like crying to vent out their negative feelings. You can also talk to your well-wishers to get motivation, think of the sense of achievement that you had after achieving something in your life earlier. Finally, get over such phases and think that the only way to improve the situation is by realizing your weaknesses and then correcting them one at a time. Be determined to try your best and then leave it to God, this will help you come out of regret of not doing enough because you will know that you have tried your best.