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Useful Websites for Preparation of Civil Services

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Democratised access to resources exists in abundance for UPSC aspirants today. However, you must be selective and choose reliable sources. We have provided below a list of such sources, but it is not practical to refer to all of them. Do not take undue pressure and try to visit all websites, keep a reasonable and manageable limit - which will depend on what suits you best.

Think of it like working out at the gym- you will not lift heavy weights on the first day, but slowly build up to it. Similarly, slowly try to build your knowledge from online sources, without becoming overwhelmed.

UPSC CSE Examination Pattern and Syllabus:

UPSC CSE Examination Past Papers (Prelims, Mains and Optional Subjects):

All NCERT books:,

Yojana & Kurkshetra Magazine Summaries:

Government Official Study Material for various courses:,

PRS India for Government Legislations (Bills, Acts, Amendments etc.):

Defense and Foreign Relations:

Daily Current Affairs Quiz:


Government of India’s Ministry’s Websites for important Reports and Press Releases

The kind of resources you use for your UPSC-CSE preparation plays an important role in your preparation strategy. Along with standard books and materials, nowadays there are a plethora of online resources available. So an aspirant should always be careful about the reliability and quality of such study material. The right selection of material will provide an edge during preparation. In this regard, Chahal academy provides holistic coverage of online availability of NCERT books, previous year’s questions, magazines such as Yojana, Kurukshetra, and our daily current affairs initiatives including quizzes, facts of the day, Hindu editorial analysis, etc. Hence you can save your precious time.

We have presented a comprehensive list of all important and reliable websites that will help you in your UPSC preparation.


All NCERT books can be download from the following link:

For UPSC Past Papers Download (Prelims, Mains and Optional Subjects)

YOJANA & KURUKSHETRA Magazine Downloads:


Useful Government Websites

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Note:Though it is not practical to regularly follow all the websites, it is recommended that the candidates at least keep themselves updated and jot down everything important. Otherwise, you can update yourself with Chahal academy's daily current affairs initiative through our website, which contains almost all important topics of the day from all relevant material.