1: The rising incidence of paediatric inflammatory bowel disease in India, 2: The tobacco epidemic in India
1 : India, liberalism and its crisis of legitimacy 2 : An overview of the AMRUT scheme
1 : On fire safety regulations in India 2 : An altered protein and fussy neurons conspire to cause microcephaly
1 : At extremely high strain rate, copper surprises with the strength of steel 2 : India relies on China for most electronic and electrical goods
1 : This century, heatwaves are moving slower and lasting longer 2 : What is the current status with respect to spice exports?
1 : The missing links in IMEC, as shown by the Gaza war 2 : Welcome bounty
1 : At the upcoming World Health Assembly, a toolkit to prepare nations for pandemics 2 : Rising debt strains household savings
1 : What is the value of attributing extreme events to climate change? 2 : A vegetable triumvirate, inflation and the takeaway
1 : X chromosome revival in older women increases risk of autoimmune disease 2 : Analysing local environmental footprints
1 : An overlooked molecule could solve the Venus water mystery 2 : India-China consumption comparison
1 : Balancing two forms of SNCA protein could help manage Parkinson’s 2 : Renew the generalised system of preferences
1 : The hyperpoliticisation of Indian higher education 2 : The burning hills of Uttarakhand
1 : Can parties be de-recognised or de-registered? 2 : The use of AI in drug development
1 : General, central obesities linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer 2 : On Delhi’s mounting waste crisis
1 : More solar storms brewing after last week’s aurorae as Sun ‘wakes up’ 2 : On the importance of regulatory sandboxes in artificial intelligence
1 : Declining poverty ratio: a continuing trend 2 : An overview of the Smart Cities Mission
1 : This worm develops food habits and its offspring ‘inherit’ them 2 : Investment lessons from the India-EFTA trade deal
1 : The fraying of the model code of conduct 2 : Freshwater quest, the likely new gold hunt
1 : ‘We need to stop the fear mongering on vaccines’ 2 : Reservation within Constitutional bound
1 : The era of the politics of performance 2 : Giving primacy to human development
1 : An inheritance tax will help reduce inequality 2 : The unseen effects of climate change on mental health
1 : Understanding the science behind magnetic resonance imaging 2 : What is carbon farming?
1 : Where does ‘us versus them’ bias in the brain come from? 2 : It is time to operationalise the Indian Defence University
1 : The paradox of India’s global rise, its regional decline 2 : This is the year to get the SDG goals back on track
1 : Liquid nitrogen in foods draws Tamil Nadu’s ire, yet again 2 : Why are Indian spices facing the heat?
1 : Analysing labour on a warming planet 2 : An animal protection Bill that must be moved in June
1 : Make EPI an ‘Essential Programme on Immunisation’ 2 : Microbes, not fossil fuels, produced most new methane: study
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