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Book List For UPSC/IAS Optional Subjects

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  1. Agricultural Economics and Farm Management
  2. Soil Science - D.K Das Or Brady
  3. Agronomy By Yellamananda Reddy
  4. Plant Breeding By B.D. Singh
  5. Genetics By B.D.Singh
  6. Physiology By Pandey & Singha
  7. Indroduction To Horticulture - Kumar
  8. Handbook Of Agriculture By ICAR
  9. Agricultural Extension Education in India
  10. Pathology - Singh
  11. Entomology - Vasantha Raj & David
  12. The Hindu - Survey Of Indian Agriculture
  13. Agricuture Statistics
  14. Special Issue of Agriculture by The Hindu


optional recommended booklist:-

Paper I (Part I) (Upto Topic 7)

  1.  Beattie : Other Cultures
  2.  Beals & Hoijer: An Introduction to Anthropology
  3.  Haviland : An Introduction to Anthropology
  4.  Vaid : Economy and Social Relations
  5.  U.S. Mishra : An Introduction to Social-Cultural Anthropology (in Hindi)
  6.  Mishra & Hasnain : Unifying Anthropology
  7.  Honigman : The World of Man
  8.  Herskovits : Cultural Anthropology
  9.  Majumdar & Madan : An Introduction to Social Anthropology
  10.  Sagar Preet : Basic Concepts in Sociology and Anthropology
  11.  Abhik Ghosh : Meetings with the Other (on Fieldwork Techniques)

Paper I (Part II)
  1.  Harrison et. al : Human Biology
  2.  Shukla & Rastogi : Physical Anthropology & Human Genetics
  3.  Stein & Rowe : An Introduction to Physical Anthropology.
  4.  Vaid & Pandey : Jaivik Manavshastra (in Hindi)
  5.  B. Janusch : Origins of Man
  6.  Virender Kumar : Evolution of Genus Homo
  7.  Surender Nath : Forensic Anthropology
  8.  Surender Nath : Nutritional Anthropology
  9.  M. Harris : Rise of Anthropological Theory
  10.  U.S. Misra : Anthropological Thought (in Hindi)
  11.  Herskovits : Cultural Anthropology
  12.  Booklet by Jawahar Publishers, New Delhi

Paper II
  1.  NCERT : Indian Society, Social Change
  2.  Bhattacharya, D.K. : An Outline of Indian Prehistory
  3.  Srinivas : Caste in India & Other Essays
  4.  Srinivas : Social Change in Modern India
  5.  Y. Singh : Modernisation of Indian Tradition
  6.  Vidyarthi & Rai : Tribal Cultures of India
  7.  N. Hasnain : Indian Anthropology
  8.  N. Hasnain : Tribal India
  9.  R.C. Verma : Indian Tribes
  10.  Vaid : Who Cares for Tribal Development (Hindi & English)
  11.  A.L. Basham : The Wonder that was India
  12.  G.S. Bhatt : Bharatiya Samajik Vichar (in Hindi)
  13.  Sagar Preet : Reservation for Backward Classes a Perspective

BOTANY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.   Cell Biology: De Robertis & Ambrose and Easy or Powar
  2.   Genetics : Strickberger or Vir Bala Rastogi
  3.   Physiology and Biochemistry: Salisbury and Ross or Fritz and Noggle
  4.   Ecology : Vir Bala Rastogi and M.S. Jayaraj and P.D. Singh
  5.   Economic Botany: Kochar or Verma
  6.   Microbiology : Powars's two books on microbiology are more than enough.
  7.   Pathology : Singh's book along with a foreign author
  8.   Cryptograms : B.R. Vasista (alage and fungi), P.C. Vashishta (Pteridophytes gymnosperms) Pandey and Trivedi (both volumes)
  9.   Embryology : Bhojwani and Bhatnagar
  10.   Plant Anatomy: Esau or B.P. Pandey
  11.   Taxonomy: Nair along with Datta

CHEMISTRY optional recommended booklist:-


  1.   Atomic Structure - Principle of physical chemistry - Puri, Sharma & Pathwa
  2.   Advance Inorganic Chemistry - J.D. Lee
  3.   Chemical Periodicity, Chemical bonding,Coordination compound- Maden, Malik, Tuli
  4.   Theoretical principles of inorganic chemistry - G.S. Manku,
  5.   Extradiction of metals, Principle of inorganic chemistry - Puri, Sharma, Jauhar.
  6.   Rest all the chapters - An advance inorganic chemistry - J.D. Lee
  7.   Pollution and its control - A text book of environmental chemistry and pollution - S.S. Dara.


  1.   Principals of Physical Chemistry (Gaseous state, Thermodynamics, Phase rule, solutions, Colligative properties, Electro Chemistry, Catalysis, Colloids) - Puri,
  2.   Sharma & Pathawa
  3.   Chemical kinetics - Advance physical chemistry - Gurdeep Raj
  4.   Photo chemistry - A text book of physical chemistry (Vol. - IV) - K.L. Kapoor
  5.   Advance physical chemistry - Gurdeep Raj


  1.   Bonding and shape of organic molecules, Stereo chemistry of carbon compound - Reactions and reagents - O.P. Agarwal
  2.   A guide to mechanism in organic chemistry - Peter Sykes
  3.   Rest all the chapters - A text book of organic chemistry - Bahl & Bahl

CIVIL ENGINEERING optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Engineering Mechanics - Shames
  2.  Mechanics for Engineers - B Johnson
  3.  Engineering Mechanics - Mchean
  4.  Limit State Design - Ram Chandra
  5.  Surveying - Punmia
  6.  Strength of Material - V. N. Vazaram
  7.  Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - A Singh and K R Arora
  8.  Strength and Meterials -UC. Jindal
  9.  Introduction to Mechanics of Solids
  10.  Basic and applied Fluid Mechanics- Garde
  11.  Strength of material - Gere and Timoshenko
  12.  Concrete Technology - M.S. Shetty
  13.  R.C.C. (WSM) - Shyal and Goyal
  14.  R.C.C. (LSM) - A.K. Jain
  15.  Steel Structure - L.S. Negi
  16.  Soil Mechanics - K.R. Arora
  17.  Fluid Mechanics - Modi & Seth
  18.  Theory of Structure (Vol - II) - Vazirani and Ratwani
  19.  Irrigation Engineering - S.K. Garg
  20.  Prestress Concrete - N. Krishna Rajee
  21.  Engineering Hydrology - K. Subramanya

COMMERCE optional recommended booklist:-


cost accounting; THEORY & problems--maheshwari & mittal (CHAPTERS: 1,5-9, 11,13-15)


STUDENTS' GUIDE TO Income Tax--v.K.Singhania
(CHAPTERS: 2-16)
Systematic approach to INCOME TAX
--Girish Ahuja (CHAPTERS: 2-17)




ECONOMICS optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  An Introduction to Economics - A.W. Stonier and D.C. Hauge
  2.  Monetary Theory and Public Policy - Kenneth Kurihara
  3.  Outline of Monetary Economics - A.C.I. Day
  4.  Public Finance - H.L. Bhatia
  5.  Modern Banking - R.S. Sayers
  6.  Indian Economy - Mishra and Puri
  7.  Macro Economic Analysis - Edward Shepiro
  8.  Indian Economy - R. Dutt and KPM Sundaram
  9.  Economic Growth and Development - Mayer and Baldwin
  10.  Public Finance - K.K. Andley and Sundharam
  11.  International Economics - Bo Soderston
  12.  National Income Accounting - Bakerman
  13.  Economics Choice - Koutsweanik
  14.  Banking - S.B. Gupta
  15.  International Trade - Bo Soderston
  16.  The Economic Times and Economical and Political Weekly.
  17.  Dictionary of Economics - Ghaham Bannock; T.E. Baxter, Ray Rees (Penguin)
  18.  Economics (Read Relevant Chapters) - Paul A. Samuelson
  19.  The Hindu: Survey of Agriculture & Survey of Industry

GEOLOGY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Marine Geology : A Scenario Around Indian Coasts / T.K. Mallik - 2008 [Rs. 2895, US $62.93]
  2.  Mine Closure / Naresh Chandra Saxena - 2008 [Rs. 750, US $16.30]
  3.  Hydrocarbon Potential and Exploration Strategy of Cauvery Basin, India / J.N. Sahu - 2007 [Rs. 10000, US $217.39]
  4.  Foreland Sedimentation in Himalayan Tectonic Regime : A Relook at the Orogenic Process / V. Raiverman - 2002 [Rs. 3000, US $65.22]
  5.  Glossary of Structural Geology and Tectonics / P.S. Saklani - 2008 [Rs. 695, US $15.11]
  6.  Wild India : The wildlife and landscapes of India / Guy Mountfort & Hashim Tyabji - 2007 [Rs. 995, US $21.63]
  7.  Poisonous Snakes / F. Wall - 2007 [Rs. 240, US $5.22]
  8.  Advancing Frontiers in Geology and Geophysics : A Volume in Honour of M.S. Krishnan / A P Subramaniam & S. Balakrishan - 2007 [Rs. 995, US $21.63]
  9.  Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resource Management / Bir Abhimanyu Kumar - 2007 [Rs. 695, US $15.11]
  10.  Geological Maps / D.K. Awasthi - 2007 [Rs. 250, US $5.43]
  11.  Himalaya : Geological Aspect, Vol. 5 / P.S. Saklani (Ed.) - 2008 [Rs. 1995, US $43.37]
  12.  Mineral Exploration : Recent Strategies / S. Rajendran et al - 2007 [Rs. 2450, US $53.26]
  13.  Soil Chemistry : Basic Concepts / G. Byju - 2008 [Rs. 600, US $13.04]
  14.  Inland Fisheries : Ecology and Management / Welcomme, R. L. - 2007 [Rs. 995, US $21.63]
  15.  History and Culture of the Himalaya, 3 Vols. / Gulia, K.S. - 2007 [Rs. 2700, US $58.70]
  16.  Earthquake Disaster Reduction : Masonry Buildings, Design and Construction / Arya, Anand S. - 2007 [Rs. 840, US $18.26]
  17.  Geologic Settings and Petroleum Systems of India's East Coast Offshore Basins : Concepts and Applications / Bastia, Ravi - 2007 [Rs. 10000, US $217.39]
  18.  Encyclopaedia of Paleontology / Sharma, Vivek - 2006 [Rs. 1500, US $32.61]
  19.  Encyclopaedia of Geology / Yadgiri, Vyshali - 2006 [Rs. 1500, US $32.61]
  20.  Encyclopaedia of Fish and Fisheries / Anand, Vishal - 2006 [Rs. 1500, US $32.61]
  21.  Concise Glossary of Geology / Mathur, S.M. - 2007 [Rs. 225, US $4.89]
  22.  Dimensions of Himalayan Geology / Biyani, A.K. - 2007 [Rs. 2295, US $49.89]
  23.  26th December 2004 Tsunami : Causes, Effects, Remedial Measures, Pre and Post Tsunami Disaster Management : A Geoscientific Perspective / Subramaniyan, B.R, et al (Eds.) - 2006 [Rs. 4950, US $107.61]
  24.  Encyclopaedia of Geo-Informatics : Incorporating GIS and Remote Sensing, 5 Vols. / Trivedi, Priya Ranjan et al - 2006 [Rs. 8000, US $173.91]
  25.  Delta Sedimentation: East Coast of India / Singh, I.B. & Swamy, A.S.R. - 2006 [Rs. 10000, US $217.39]
  26.  The Evolution and Classification of Soils / Ramann, E. & Whittles, C.L. (Tr.) - 2006 [Rs. 525, US $11.41]
  27.  Himalaya : Geological Aspects, Vol. 3 / Saklani, P.S. (Ed.) - 2005 [Rs. 1995, US $43.37]
  28.  Himalaya : Geological Aspects, Vol. 4 / Saklani, P.S. (Ed.) - 2006 [Rs. 1995, US $43.37]
  29.  Deccan Traverses : The Making of Bangalore's Terrain / Mathur, Anuradha & Cunha, Dilip Da - 2006 [Rs. 1950, US $42.39]
  30.  Remote Sensing in Geomorphology / Ramasamy, S.M. - 2005 [Rs. 700, US $15.22]
  31.  Geology and Evolution of the Indian Plate (From Hadean to Holocene - 4Ga to 4 Ka) / Naqvi, S.M. - 2005 [Rs. 1250, US $27.17]
  32.  Metallogenesis of Manganese Ores of Srikakulam-Visakhapatnam Belt / Siddiquie, F.N. - 2004 [Rs. 650, US $14.13]
  33.  Himalaya : Geological Aspects, Vol. 1 & 2 / Saklani, P. S. - 2005 [Rs. 3600, US $78.26]
  34.  The Ice Age in the Indian Subcontinent and Associated Human Culture (With sepcial ref. to Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Sind...) / Terra, H. De. & Paterson, T.T. - 2003 [Rs. 2500, US $54.35]
  35.  Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Writings on Geology and Mineralogy : Scientific Papers and Comments / Ranganthan, A. & Rao, K. Srinivasa (Eds.) - 2001 [Rs. 700, US $15.22]
  36.  Early Man in Eastern Himalayas : North-East India and Nepal / Sharma, A. K. - 1996 [Rs. 990, US $21.52]

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HISTORY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.   History of Modern India – Shekhar Bandopadhyaya/Bipan Chandra
  2.   India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra and Others
  3.   India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma
  4.   The Wonder That Was India – A.L. Basham
  5.   Ashoka and the Decline of the Mauryas – Romila Thapar
  6.   Medieval India : From Sultanat to Mughals – 1- Satish Chandra
  7.   Medieveal India : From Sultanat to Mughals -2 – Satish Chandra
  8.   Mastering Modern World History – Norman Lowe
  9.   History of the World – Arjun Dev

LAW optional recommended booklist:-

Indian Penal Code
  • Autochthon Pillai
  • Ratanlal Dhiraj Lal

Merchantile Law
  • R.K. Bangia
  • Avatar Singh
  • Pollack and Mulla

Law of Tort
  • Autochthon Pillai
  • R.K. Bangia
  • Winfield

Constitutional Law
  • V.N. Shukla
  • S.K. Kapoor
  • J.N. Pandey

  • P.K. Tripathi
  • Dias

MANAGEMENT optional recommended booklist:-

  1.   Organisational Design: Khandwala; Madhukar Shukla
  2.   Organisational Behaviour: Luthans and Robbins- for some portions Blanchart is also good.
  3.   Strategic Cost Management: Business Today supplements
  4.   Economics : Any good economics book
  5.   Management : Terry and Franklin; Koontz and Donnel; Koontz and Weihrich
  6.   Strategic Management: Michael Porter
  7.   Marketing : Kotler and any one Indian author book(Saxena/Ramaswami etc.)
  8.   Financial : Pandey/Chandra/Khan & Jain/Bearley
  9.   Operations: Adams/Taha
  10.   HRD : Mammoria/Monappa/Prasad/Flippo

MATHEMATICS optional recommended booklist:-


  1.  Linear Algebra - K.C. Prasad, K B Datta
  2.  Calculus - Santhi Narayan
  3.  Analytic Geometry - Shantinarayan, HC Sinha, DK Jha and Sharma
  4.  Ordinary Differential eqs:- MD Raising Lumina, Golden seris-NP Bali
  5.  Dynamics, Statitics and Hydrostatics - M.Ray
  6.  Vector analysis - Shantinarayan


  1.  Algebra - K C Prasad, KB Datta
  2.  Real Analysis - Shantinarayan,Royden
  3.  Complex Analysis - GK Ranganath
  4.  Linear Programming - SD sharma
  5.  Partial Diff.eqs. - Singhania
  6.  Numerical analysis and Computer Progg. - V. Rajaraman, SS Shasri
  7.  Mechanics & Fluid dynamics - AP Mathur, Azaroff leonid

Other Important Books

  1.   Modern Algebra - A. R. Vashisth
  2.   Algebra - J. N. Sharma and S. N. Goyal
  3.   Linear Algebra - Schaum Series (Lipshutz) or Sharma and Vashisth
  4.   Matrices - Schaum Series (Frank Ayres) or Vashisth
  5.   Calculus - I. A. Menon
  6.   Coordinate Geometry - R. L. Soni
  7.   Solid Mechanism - Kazmioo
  8.   Mathematics Dictionary - James
  9.   Differential Equations - Schaum Series (Frank Ayres) or N.M. Kapur or Raisinghania
  10.   Numerical Analysis - S.S. Sastry
  11.   Complex Analysis - Schaum Series or J.N. Sharma
  12.   Operations Research - Kanti Swaroop or Manmohan
  13.   Differential Calculus - Gorakh Prasad
  14.   Analytical Solid Geometry - Shanti Narayanan
  15.   Text Book of Coordinate Geometry - Rai Ballabh
  16.   Mechanism - D. S. Mathur
  17.   Statistical Mechanism - Carson Horg

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Principles of Electronics - V.K. Mehta
  2.  Radio Engineering - G.K. Mithal
  3.  Circuit Analysis - Gupta Electrical Technology - Thereja
  4.  Electrical Power - Star
  5.  Physics of Semiconductor Devices - Sze
  6.  Automatic Control System - Kuo
  7.  Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics - Rao
  8.  Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating System - Jordan & Balmain
  9.  Modern Central Engineering - Ogata
  10.  Electromagnetic Waives and Field - R.N. Singh
  11.  Control Systems Engineering - Nagrath Gopal
  12.  Semi Conductor - Nagchoudhary
  13.  Integrated Circuits - D. Roy Choudhary
  14.  Network Analysis - Valkenbury
  15.  Basic Current Analysis - Murthy
  16.  Topics in Communication Theory - David Middleton

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Fundamentals of Classed Thermodynamics - Van Wylen
  2.  Heat Transfer - Gupta Prakash
  3.  Heat and Mass Transfer - R. Yadav
  4.  Energy Conversion - Sukhalmoy
  5.  Environmental Pollution Central Engineering - C S Rao
  6.  Surveying and Levelling - T P Kanetakar
  7.  Heat Conversion - Arora & Kundwar
  8.  Manufacturing Science - R K Jain
  9.  Thermodynamics - R Yadav Theory of Mechanics - S S Rattan
  10.  Theory of Mechanism and Mechanics - Jagdish Lal.
  11.  Mechanic of Solids - Popru
  12.  Manufacturing Science - Ghosh and Malik
  13.  Manufacturing Technology - P N Rao
  14.  Production Manangement - R K Jain
  15.  Principles of Manufacturing Material & Process - Campbeu

MEDICAL SCIENCE optional recommended booklist:-

Suggested Reading

  1.  Anatomy - Megraper or Snell
  2.  Human Anatomy (3 Vol.) - Chaurasia
  3.  Medical Physiology - Gyston
  4.  Human Physiology - Chatterjee
  5.  Pathology - Muirs or Robbins
  6.  Review in Bio-chemistry - Harper
  7.  Heinmann Medical Dictionary - Janife
  8.  Heinmann Dental Dictionary - Lennox
  9.  Microbiology - Anand Narayan or Chatterjee
  10.  Principal and Practice of Medicines - Davidson
  11.  Social and Preventive Medicine(SPM) - Park & Park
  12.  Surgery - Love and Bailey
  13.  Essentials of Bio-chemistry - M C Pant

PHILOSOPHY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Dr. C.D. Sharma (Indian Philosophy)
  2.  Dr. Deo Raj (Indian Philosophy)
  3.  Dr. Ya Mashiha (Western Philosophy)
  4.  Dr. Daya Krishna (Western Philosophy)
  5.  Dr. Franckena Thilly (Western Philosophy)
  6.  Dr. B.K. Lal (Contemporary Western Philosophy)
  7.  Dr. Irvin M. Copi
  8.  Dr. Divakar Pathak (Indian Ethic)
  9.  Dr. Dr. V.P. Verma (Western Ethic)
  10.  Dr. B.N. Singh (Ethics)
  11.  Lilly (Ethics)
  12.  By Franckena Thilly
  13.  Dr. C.D. Sharma
  14.  Dr. Dayakrishna
  15.  Dr. Ya Mashiha
  16.  Dr. B.K. Lal 6. Dr. Lakshmi Saxena
  17.  Dr. C.D. Sharma
  18.  Dr. Deo Raj
  19.  Dr. Hiriyanna
  20.  Dr. Radha Krishnan
  21.  Ashok Verma (Symbolic logic)
  22.  Dr. J.P. Sood Vol IV 2.Dr. Shiv Bhanu Singh
  23.  Dr. Gauba
  24.  Dr. Ya Mashiha
  25.  John Hick
  26.  Dr. V.P. Verma
  27.  Six ways of knowing by D.M. Datta.

PHYSICS optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Classical Mechnism -Gupta, Kumar & Sharma - Takewale & Puranik -H.Goldstein
  2.  Mechanics - Kleppner & Kolenkov -D.S. Mathur
  3.  Wave/Spl.Relatively - D.S. Mathur/Kleppner&Kolenkov
  4.  Special Relativity-R.Resnic -Gupta & Goyal
  5.  Optics-Ajay Ghatak-B.S. Agarwal
  6.  Electrodyanamics - David Griffiths
  7.  EM Theory -Chopra&Agarwal/Satya Prakash
  8.  Thermal Physics - P.K Chakraborty - Satya Prakash, Singhal & Agarawal -Statistical Physics -B.B laud
  9.  Quantum Physics- Resnick & Eisberg
  10.  Concept of Mordern Physics - Arthut Bevser
  11.  Quantum Mechanics -Ghatak & Loknathan/Chatwal & Anand/Satya Prakash
  12.  Atomic & Molecular Spectra -Rajkumar
  13.  Nuclear Physics -S.B Patel
  14.  Solid State Physics -Kittel
  15.  Electronics -Allon Mottershed
  16.  Objective Physics -H.C. Verma/TMH


  1.   Physics Vol I & II by David Haliday and Resnick (for basic concepts)
  2.   Mechanics - D.S. Mathur, B.S. Agarwal
  3.   Waves and Oscillations - Brijlal & Subramanyam, B.S. Agarwal
  4.   Optics - Brijlal& Subramanyam, B.S. Agarwal, Ajoy & Ghatak
  5.   Thermal Physics - Singal, Agarwal & Prakash, B.S. Agarwal, Shah & Srivastava
  6.   Electricity & Magnetism : D.C. TAyal, B.S. Agarwal, Griffith
  7.   Any fundamental book on electrical engineering like B.L Thareja (Vol 1) or Vincent Del Tero
  8.   Modern Physics - A Beiser (Concepts of modern physics), S.L. Gupta, B.S. Agarwal, J.B. Rajan
  9.   Electronics - Milman & Halkias, S. Ramnam, Ryder or Bolstead, Malvina
  10.   Properties of Matter - B. Aggarwal
  11.   Atomic Physics - J. B. Rajan
  12.   Fundamental of Magnetism electricity - B.N. Basudeva
  13.   A Text Book of Suond - Khanna & Bedi
  14.   Nuclear Physics - D.C. Tayal
  15.   Introduction of Electrodynamics - Griffith
  16.   Advanced Level Physics - Nelkon & Parkar
  17.   University Physics - Zeemasky
  18.   Numerical Problems - B. Lal & Subrahmanyam
  19.   Quantum Mechnaics - A Ghatak
  20.   A Dictionary of Physics – Goldstein

PSYCHOLOGY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  Psychology XI & XII Std NCERT
  2.  Introduction to Psychology Morgan & King
  3.  Psychology Robert A Baron
  4.  Social Psychology Baron & Byrne
  5.  The Psychology of Small Groups Shaw
  6.  Inner World Sudhir Kakar
  7.  Achieving Society David McClelland
  8.  Theories of Personality Hall & Lindzey
  9.  Systems & Theories of Psychology Krawiec & Chaplin
  10.  Abnormal Psychology & Modern Life James.C. Coleman

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION optional recommended booklist:-

Paper I:
Chapter-I: Introduction
Mohit Bhattacharya: New Horizons of Public Administration
Nicholas Henry : Public Administration and Public Affairs
Special Issues of Indian Journal of Public Administration

Chapter-II: Theories of Administration
D. Ravindra Prasad, V.S. Prasad and P. Satyanarayana : Administrative Thinkers
D. Gvishiani Organisation and Management: A Critique of Western Theories.

Chapter-III: Structure of Public Organisations :
R.K. Jain : Public Sector Undertakings; and
Mohit Bhattacharya : New Horizons of Public Administration

Chapter-IV: Administrative Behaviour
Paul Hersey : Organisational Behaviour
Stephen P. Robbin : Organisational Behaviour

Chapter-V: Accountability and Control:
Mohit Bhattacharya : New Horizons of Public Administration
Special Issues of Indian Journal of Public Administration on Accountability

Chapter-VI: Administrative Law:
Massey :Administrative Law
M.P. Jain :Administrative Law

Chapter-VII: Administrative Reforms:
P.R. Dubbashi : Administrative Reforms
G.E. Gaiden :Administrative Reforms

Chapter-VIII: Comparative Public Administration:
Ferrel Heady : Public Administration-A Comparative Perspective
R.K. Arora : Comparative Public Administration

Chapter-IX: Development Administration:
Ferrel Heady : Public Administration - A Comparative Perspective
R.K. Arora : Comparative Public Administration

Chapter-X: Public Policy :
IGNOU Lessons on Public Policy
R. K. Sapra : Public Policy

Chapter-XI: Personnel Administration:
O Glenn :Stahl : Public Personnel Administration
S. L. Goel : Personnel Administration in India.

Chapter-XII: Financial Administration
M. J. K. Thavaraj :Public Financial Administration
G.S. Lal :Financial Administration in India
IGNOU Lessons on Financial Administration

Paper II:
Chapter-I: Evolution of Indian Administration
B.N. Puri Administrative History of India (Vol. I, II and III)

Chapter-II: Constitutional Framework
D. D. Basu An Introduction to the Constitution of India

Chapter-III: Union Government and Administration
A. Avasthi Central Administration

Chapter-IV: State Government and Administration
J.D. Shukla State Administration

Chapter-V: District Administration
T.N. Chaturvedi District Administration; and
Special Issue of Indian Journal of Public Administration on District Administration

Chapter-VI: Local Government
S.R. Maheswari Local Government in India

Chapter-VII: Public Sector in India
R. K. Jain Public Sector Undertakings
Annual Survey on Public Sector of Department of Public Enterprises

Chapter-VIII: Public Services
S.L. Goel Personnel Administration in India

Chapter-IX: Control of Public Expenditure
M. J. K. Thavaraj Financial Administration
IGNOU Lessons on Financial Administration

Chapter-X: Administrative Reforms
P.R. Dubbashi Administrative Reforms
S. R. Maheswari Administrative Reforms
Special Issue of Indian Journal of Public Administration on Administrative Reforms

Chapter-XI: Machinery for Planning
A. Avasthi Central Administration

Chapter-XII: Administration of Law and Order
K. K. Sharma Law and Order Administration in India
K. J. Guha Roy, District Policing

Chapter-XIII: Welfare Administration
Annual Reports of Department of Social Welfare

Chapter-XIV: Major Issues in Indian Administration
Special Issue of Indian Journal Public Administration on Indian Administration, Retrospect and Prospect and on Good Governance.

POLITICAL SCIENCE optional recommended booklist:-

Paper I Section A

  1. (a) A History of Political thought
    —Subrata Mukherjee, Susheela Ramaswamy
    (b) A History of Political thought —J.P. Suda
    (c) For Manu & Kautilya : Foundations of Indian Political thought
    — V.R. Mehta
  2. (a) Modern Political Theory —S.P. Verma
    (b) Modern Political Theory —Madan Gandhi
  3. (a) Political Theory —Eddy Ashirvatham
    (b) Political Theory —J.C. Johri
    (c) Political Theory —Ray & Bhattacharya
    (d) Political Theory —O.P. Gauba
    1. Paper I Section B

      1. (a) Comparative Govt. & Politics —J.C. Johri
        (a) Comparative Govt. & Politics —Ronald Chilkote

      2. (a) Modern Indian Political Thinkers —V.P. Verma
        (b) Foundations of Indian Political Thought —V.R. Mehta
        (c) Indian Govt. and Politics —A.S. Narang
        (c) Indian Govt. and Politics —J.R. Siwach
        (c) Indian Govt and Politics —M.P. Singh, Himanshu Roy
        (d) Politics in India —Rajani Kothari
        (e) Govt. and Politics of India —W.H. Morris Jones

      3. Paper II Section A

        1. (a) Theoretical aspects of International Politics
          —Mahendra Kumar
          (b) Politics among Nations —Morganthu
          (c) International Politics —Schuman

          1. Paper II Section B

            1. (a) International Politics —Bookhives
              (b) Regular issues of Frontline & World Focus (magazine)

SOCIOLOGY optional recommended booklist:-

Paper I

  1.  Herton and Hunt, Sociology, Mcgraw- Hill International, Singapore 1984
  2.  Abrahamson Mark, Urban Sociology, Prentice-Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980
  3.  Haris C. C., The Sociology Enterprises : A Disscussion of Fundamental Concept, St. Martin Press Inc., New York, 1980
  4.  Wilson John, Introduction to Social Movements, Basic Books, NY , 1998.
  5.  Hamilton , Malcom, B. The Sociology of Religion, Routledge, London , 1995.
  6.  Williams, Malcom, Science and Social Science : An Introduction, Routledge, London , 2000.
  7.  D.K.S. Roy, Social Development and the Empowerment of Mariginalised Groups: Perspectives and Strategies, Sage, New Delhi - 2001
  8.  Harris C.C., The Family, Allen and Unwin, London - 1977
  9.  Andreas Hess, Concept of Social Stratification, European and American Models, Palgrave, Houndmills, NY , 2001
  10.  Giddens, Anthony, Capitalisation and Modern Social Theory, University Press Cambridge, 1971
  11.  Smelser, N.J.The Sociology of Economic Life, Prentice Hall, New Delhi - 1988.
  12.  Haralombos, M, and Heald, R,M. Sociology : Themes and Perspectives, Oxford. Delhi - 1980.
  13.  Randall Collins, Theoretical Sociology, Harcourt Brace and Company, Florida, 1996.
  14.  Bottomore. T.B. Sociology : A GFuide of problem and Literature Allen and Unwin, London - 1972.
  15.  Etzioni, Amitali, Modern Organization, Prentice Hall, NY, 1995
  16.  Cuff, Sharrock, and Francis, Perrspective in Sociology, Routledge, NY 1995

Paper II

  1.  Mandelbaum, David, Society in India, University of California, Press Berkreley, 1970
  2.  Srivnivas M N Caste in Modern India and Other Essays, Asia Publishing House, Bombay -1962
  3.  Srinivas M N Social Change in Modern India, Berkeley,University of California Press 1966.
  4.  Srinivas and Shah, The Myth of the self sufficiency of the Indian Village, The Economic weekly, 12:1375-1378
  5.  Beteille Andre Sociology, Oxford, New Delhi - 2002
  6.  Beteille Andre, The idea of Natural, Inequality and other Essays, Oxford, Delhi - 1987.
  7.  Beteille Andre, Essay in Contemporary Sociology, Oxford, Delhi - 1987.
  8.  Beteille Andre, Social Inequality of Indian Penguine, London, 1978.
  9.  Singh Yogender Cultural Change in India, Rawat, Jaipur, 2002.
  10.  Singh Yogender, Modernization of Indian Tradition, Thompson Press, New Delhi - 1973.
  11.  Unnithan T K , Indra Dev and Singh, Y, (eds) Towards a Sociology of Culture in India, Prentice Hall, new Delhi - 1965.
  12.  Gupta, Dipasnkar, Interrograting Caste, Penguine, New Delhi - 2000.
  13.  Shah A M Family in Contempory India, Orient Longman, New Delhi - 2001.
  14.  Chandrani and Chandrani, Essay in Rural Sociology, Rawat, Jaipur -2000.
  15.  Desai, Neera, and Krishnaraj, Women and Society in India,New Delhi - 1990.
  16.  Singer Milton and Cohen B.S. Structure and chasnge in Indian Society, Weener Grin Foundation for Anthropological Research 1968.
  17.  Sharma K L (ed) Sociolo Inequilities in Indian , Profiles of Caste Class, Power and Sociol Mobility, Rawat, Jaipur 19945.
  18.  Gallenter Masrc, Competing, Inequalities, Oxford, NY 1998.
  19.  Joshi, P C Sociol Science and Development: Quest for Relevence, Hasr-Anand Publication, Delhi 1995.

STATISTICS optional recommended booklist:-

  1.   An Introduction to Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics - V K Rohtagi
  2.  Fundamentals of Statistics (2 Vol.)- A M Goon, M K Gupta and B Dass Gupta
  3.  Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications - Paul Meyer
  4.  Sampling Techniques- William G. Cochran
  5.  Sampling Theory of Surveys with applications - B. V Sukhatme & B V Sukhatme
  6.  An Outline of Statistical Theory (2 Vol.) - A M Goon, M K Gupta and B .Dass Gupta
  7.  Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics- A C Gupta and V K Kapoor
  8.  Fundamentals of Applied Statistics- S C Gupta and V K Kapoor

URDU optional recommended booklist:-

Paper I

  1.   Urdu ki Lisani Tashkil - Mirza Khalil Ahmad Beg
  2.   Mokqadwa; Tarikh-e-Zuban-e-Urdu - Prof. Maswood Husain Khan
  3.   Ansaf-e-SuKhan aur Sher Haiyyaten - Shamian Ahmed

Paper II

  1.   Urdu Shairi ka Tauqidi Mutala - Suenbul Nigar
  2.   Urdu Nasr ka Tauqidi Mutala - Suenbul Nigar
  3.   Urdu Adab Ki Tarikh - Noorul Hasan Naqvi

ZOOLOGY optional recommended booklist:-

  1.  1. Cell and molecular bilogy - De Robertis, C.B. Powar
  2.  2. Comparative anatomy of vertebrate zoology -Kent
  3.  3. Animal physiology - H.R. Singh, Vander
  4.  4. Biochemistry - Harper, Leninger, Stryer, Rao
  5.  5. Embryology - Balinsky, A.K. Berry, Vir Bala Rastogi
  6.  6. Organic evolution - Veer Bala Rastogi
  7.  7. Genetics - P.K. Gupta, Gardner, Ahluwalia, Vir Bala Rastogi
  8.  8. Invertebrates - R.L. Kotpal, Nigam, Jordan
  9.  9. Vertebrates - R.L. Kotpal, Nigam, Jordan and Varma
  10.  10. Ecology - P.D. Sharma, Odum, Vir Bala Rastogi and M.S. Jayaraj, Kotpal and Bali
  11.  11. Economic Zoology - Shukla and Upadhaya, Kotpal- Khetrapal - Aggarwal
  12.  12. Ethology - Reena Mathur, Magazines like Science Reporter, Nature
  13.  13. General Zoology - Storer and Usurger
  14.  14. Physiology - H.R. Singh
  15.  15. Evolution - Vir Bala Rastogi
  16.  16. A Dictionary of Entomology - Leftwich